Wednesday, October 17, 2007

"Like Pearl Harbor"

So I'm not even back one day and already I run across the single greatest political ad of 2007. John Georges is running a radio spot in which he decries Bobby Jindal's "unprovoked negative attacks".

The Jindal camp... apparently wary of Georges's late activity... has run some ads which point out that Georges's highly touted "business experience" involves, among other things, alcohol tobacco and video poker sales. All of which is, of course true.

The Georges ad takes remarkable exception to the Jindal "attack" describing it thusly (no, I am not making this up) "Like Pearl Harbor, when an unprovoked surprise attack was launched against a great nation, Bobby Jindal has attacked...." I am no photoshop genius, but I can imagine a pretty fun image of Jindal as a Zero pilot descending upon Georges out of the rising sun. It strikes just the right chord, don't ya think?


Michael is right on time with help here

Astounding choice of imagery for Geroges, yes... but it's not even really the funny part. You see, earlier this week, Georges attacked Jindal with the not-so-subtle insinuation that the recent home delivery of Jindal's third child was "orchestrated" for political purposes. Now, far be it for me to put something like that beyond the creepy egomaniacal Jindal, but it is at the very least unlikely and a helluva thing to go throwing unsubstantiated accusations at someone about.

But according to Georges, this sort of thing is fair game while making truthful statements about a candidate's business interests is a vicious attack reminiscent of Pearl Harbor.

Georges has been spending a lot of time and money lately targeting the New Orleans media market with his advertising and targeting the black vote specifically with some well-placed public appearances and endorsements. It's enough to give Georges a bit of a buzz during the final week, but I doubt it will make much of an impact on his finish in the primary. Even if Georges's shenanigans do give him a slight bump in New Orleans, it won't make any difference statewide.

Outside of the city, this election is still largely a "kick NOLA" exercise and Bobby Jindal has had that vote sewn up from the very start. Jindal will also take nearly all of the conservative New Orleans vote as well as much of the NOLA Yuppie Left thanks to his campaign against the word "corruption" and the aid of his trusty Dragon Slayer Squad.

If anything, Georges's wild flailing could further weaken the already badly fragmented anti-Jindal vote to put "Bobby" in on the first ballot.... that is unless there are any last minute unseen bombing raids looming just over the horizon.

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