Friday, March 23, 2007


T-P staffers who file can't cover corps

"To ensure journalistic credibility, it's important that we avoid any appearance of bias," Amoss said. "The perception of fairness would be compromised if journalists were involved in corps coverage while they also pursued a legal case against the agency."

Amoss, whose home suffered minor flood damage, said he did not file the claim form. He said the newspaper is determining how many journalists filed the forms and how many will choose to withdraw. Because the corps is involved in so many aspects of the civic life of Louisiana, especially since the flooding, he said that some members of the staff may have to be reassigned if they continue to pursue the suit.

But given that everyone who lives in South Louisiana.. including the entire T-P staff has a material interest in the operations of this organization that is "..involved in so many aspects of the civic life of Louisiana, especially since the flooding" isn't this kind of like saying, T-P reporters who vote can't cover City Hall?

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