Friday, May 06, 2005

Nobody Owns the Sky?

This is just so obviously boneheaded.
Santorum, the No. 3 man in Senate leadership, recently filed legislation to clamp down on the Weather Service's output. The agency still could issue storm warnings, but free public access to forecasts would be restricted if a private company offered the same information.
Putting aside the argument that the government should be in the business of making basic health and safety information, such as the weather, more not less accessible to the public this bill is truly criminal in that it requires you to pay a profiteering intermediary a fee for the benefit of services already paid for by your taxes. This is especially egregious considering that these private forecasters rely largely on National Weather Service data in order to create their product. It's the same as if the city allowed me to collect tolls from everyone who uses St. Charles Avenue between Louisiana Avenue and Lee Circle provided that I sweep the caterpillars off of the sidewalks once a month.

Blogger Spellcheck Note: "Santorum" = "Sanitarium"

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