Monday, October 11, 2004

Monday Evening Sports Page

It was another one of those horrific embarrassing episodes that press you into a search for the nearest inviting spot of sand in which to deposit your weathered weary head. Such crises are invariably followed by a quiet period of reckoning, usually, say, the following morning, where the once obscured glistening grains of hope begin to outshine the previous day's avalanche of horrors under the gentle light of sober reexamination. This was just like that. Umm.. except not because today it looks even worse than it did yesterday. I got up this morning all ready to write about how the Saints really played well enough to beat the previously winless Buccaneers yesterday, how one or two small breaks could have made the difference. But today, it seems that as I allow this to continue turning over in my mind the same two images keep turning up. One of these being a big fat tight end catching a 45 yard touchdown pass, which I think may qualify as a crime against nature. Nothing that large should be allowed to traverse that much green space unmolested. The other being a (non)defense giving up a ten yard run on a third and five and thus allowing the opposition to clinch a victory. I don't want to look back much past that because if I do I may catch a glimpse of literacy advocate Aaron Brooks making the correct "read" on a blitz play but reacting with a low throw and a drive killing interception. I also don't feel like looking too far ahead as that may reveal terrors yet unknown as the schedule begins to include teams who, unlike the Saints last two opponents, have actually won some games this season. What's worse is that Saints fans do not honestly have the option of giving up the ship yet. The sad fact remains that Carolina is 1-3, Tampa Bay is 1-4, and Atlanta is.. well Atlanta is Atlanta and that's enough to ensure that in addition to being burdened with yet another horrible team Saints fans will also be required to keep watching.

This is only different in magnitude from what the Red Sox are getting set to do to their fans this week. Is it not safe to say that we know by now? We know that some spectacular brand of doom waits to reveal itself. We see the New York Yankees waiting to fulfill their cosmically ordained role as the deliverers of said doom. We know, we see, but we still have to watch.

The final absurdity of the evening involves Friday’s round of political pugilism in which Kerry failed to deliver the knockout blow to a struggling Bush. Bush, who may have entered the ring bearing an illegal foreign object, who displayed poor form by letting slip an easily demonstrable lie, and who was once again off-puttinlgy angry and obstinate was nonetheless given an undeserved pass by the judges. You don’t think there is any evidence of bias on their part do you?

Note: Due to circumstances beyond my control, I was not in attendance at this week's Saints home game.

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