Sunday, August 29, 2004

Poll Watching

On the eve of the RNC in NYC tens of thousands of people are taking to the streets prompting me to wonder why I spent my vacation in Destin this year. But then again, those backward New Yorkers probably wouldn't let me carry my beer in the street so, as usual, I'm better off at home.

Meanwhile, Rasmussen has Bush ahead in the electoral vote count for the first time. On the other hand, Zogby has Kerry ahead nationwide by a margin of 50.8 percent to 46.7. But then why am I telling you all this when you can just go read Political Wire?

While you're there, check out this post which highlights Bush's unorthodox reelection strategy of playing only to his hard right base. Guess what? It's working and it's working because the Democrats refuse to run a campaign of any substance. Kerry should be talking every day about things that matter to the people who don't vote because they have been ignored for so long; a living wage, national health care, an end to imperial foreign policy. Give people something to get excited about for God's sake. If things continue as they are, this election will loaf along to November well within stealing range and then we'll have yet another mess on our hands.

One more thing. A local opinion research outfit whose name I neglected to note, is currently conducting a telephone poll wherein subjects are asked a series of questions about the upcoming September 18 elections, about the mayor's job performance, the Saints stadium/convention center expansion project, and about the subject's opinion on the proposed hate amendment. I'm not sure how accurate this survey is going to be since they called me twice in three days. Yes I voted twice. I am, after all, a true Louisianan.

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