Thursday, August 05, 2004

The freaks need to get a new act

This morning the staff were treated to a sadly uninspired performance of athleticism and oratory by a local woman of questionable residential status. The featured artist's costume could be considered standard for the genre and therefore largely unremarkable. She was a rather thin woman, probably in her early fifties, with graying brown hair which she wore in the obligatory pony tail. Her ensemble featured black biker shorts and a small green tank top which accented her pot bellied midsection. Her bare midriff was encircled by a belt and fanny pack piece which I imagine contained those usual small items one brings along on the generic errand; spare change, ID, library card. Had she need of any of the remainder of her belongings, they were themselves quite within reach contained first within a large plastic bin and then spilling over into a series of shopping bags all of which she carried with her into the library. Her eyes were hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses creating an element of mystery. The performance itself featured a series of somersaults across the floor of the reading room followed by a verbal engagement with, ostensibly Mrs. Bling Bling, but actually meant for any and all within earshot. While I can find little fault with the technical execution of her act, I would have liked to have seen a little more imagination incorporated. The somersault is the most amateurish of the acrobatic maneuvers. The physical portion of the recital may have been enhanced by a few more graceful movements. Certainly I don't expect the random crazy lady to go en pointe, but seeing as how even I managed to hammer out a few cartwheels during the recent summer reading party, it is safe to say that the bar is raised at least that high. As for the oral portion, she does receive points for projection and enunciation. Her voice sounded clearly and powerfully throughout the library demanding the attention of all present. That attention could have been maintained had the speech itself featured a more original and engaging content than the usual rant about an antagonistic landlord and a vague but strongly asserted aspiration to initiate legal proceedings against the CIA. The happening ended anti-climactically when the performer was quietly escorted from the premises by two of New Orleans' finest who were themselves visibly bored by the situation as well. Perhaps I have been spoiled by years of observing Bourbon street at 4 AM, or maybe I'm just a little worn out on the whole whimsical eccentricity tinged with ill defined chemically dependent anger thing but whatever the reason I just demand something more from my raving lunatics these days. Happily, as I write this post, the police are on their way back to the library to question a man sleeping in the park adjacent us and whom we suspect of serial vandalizations of and unauthorized entry to library property during off hours. Should anything interesting come of this, I will be pleasantly surprised.

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