Monday, May 10, 2004

But I thought he didn't watch the news.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush has told Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld he was "not happy" that he learned about photos of Iraqi prison abuse by watching television, a senior administration official told CNN.
The rest of this story is nothing new. We all know by now that our current government has betrayed its responsibility to represent its founding principles and values in every conceivable way. The prisoner abuse scandal is just a gross characiature of this. By the way, I wonder if this is not a good time for the mainstream press to start taking another look at what has been going on at Guantanamo.
As for me I think I've hit the wall. I can't possibly be any more embarassed or outraged than I am at this point. Remarkably, the majority of the electorate is out to lunch. The race is still a dead heat. This may have something to do with the fact that the "opposition" party has nominated the biggest dud possible. But also there's this. 48% of the American people actually approve of Geroge Bush. I don't care how much lower that number is from what is was last month or last year that's still a double shitload of mouth breathers. And I guess that's what has me banging my head against the wall. I know without a doubt that Bush will be (re?)elected and that, yes, things can and will get worse.

I started to post this on Wednessday and was about to delete it. But then today I found this Atlantic feature by Jack Beatty which basically says what I'm thinking when I say with some degree of certainty that Bush will win this election.
The Red State electorate is not fooled. They may not know the details of Bush's crony-capitalist raid on the treasury but would they reject the GOP if they did? They vote for values, strength, guns, and righteous ferocity abroad—and the GOP delivers. The rest comes under the heading of keeping government off our backs.
In other words, they can do whatever they want and as long as the Democrats fail to take up populist causes in earnest the yahoos will keep voting these jokers in.