Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Safire this Morning

Is engaged in a bit of self serving fantasy around the possibility of Dean running as a third party candidate should he somehow not end up as the Democratic nominee. This is plausible given the amount of sniping going on between Dean and the DLC people but still not something I'd place anywhere near the realm of the likely. What I find truly amusing about all of this is Safire's fear of what a three way race may bring:

That split of opposition would be a bonanza for Bush. In a two-man race, the odds are that he would beat Dean comfortably, but in a three-party race, Bush would surely waltz in with the greatest of ease.

Here's my problem: Such a lopsided, hubris-inducing result would be bad for Bush, bad for the G.O.P., bad for the country. Landslides lead to tyrannous majorities and big trouble.

In other words, Safire is concerned that a decisive victory for Bush (indeed an actual victory would be a departure from 2000) would bestow on him a license to govern with even more arrogance and imperiousness than he has demonstrated to this point. Stuff that sugarplumb in your stocking and dream about it for a while. Really, what more can he do? Invade Holland?

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