Saturday, November 15, 2003

Must Read of the Day

Why I Fucking Hate Weblogs
I must say I couldn't agree more. I've always thought of this as 1) A way to keep a personal record of stuff I find on the web. 2) An easy index of websites that I find useful, entertaining, or informative. 3) A good way for me to remember what I may have been thinking about on a given day. 4) A sub-professional format for logging problems I run into at work and ways they might be solved next time. 5) A convenient way to keep in touch with people who I would otherwise incessantly e-mail news stories to. In other words... yes it's just a bunch of personal bullshit and I am well aware of that fact. However, in the interest of serving the public, I agree to publish the author's suggested disclaimer.

Statement of Audience
I realize that nothing I say matters to anyone else on the entire planet. My opinions are useless and unfocused. I am an expert in nothing. I know nothing. I am confused about almost everything. I cannot, as an individual, ever possibly know everything, or even enough to make editorial commentary on the vast vast majority of things that exist in my world. This is a stupid document; it is meaningless drivel that I do not expect any of the several billion people on my planet to actually read. People who do read my rambling, incoherent dumbfuckery are probably just as confused as I am, if not moreso, as they are looking to my sorry ass for an opinion then they should be outside playing Frisbee with their dog or screwing their life partner or getting a dog or getting a life partner. Anyone who actually takes the time to read my bullshit probably deserves to ingest my fucked up and obviously mistaken opinions on whatever it is that I have written about.

Signed: Jeffrey

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