Saturday, June 26, 2021

No, the problem is not a "worker shortage"

This article will tell you what the problem actually is but it doesn't do that until about 14 paragraphs in; long after the nonsense about "generous" unemployment benefits and well overshadowed by the OMG WHO WILL SERVE ME MY $12 BUD LITES AT THE SUPERDOME headline.  But it's in there. 

Worker representatives generally take the Biden view, noting that many of those who lost their jobs weren't eligible for assistance in the first place. Many are not anxious to return to low-paid jobs for a variety of reasons, including lack of child care, worries about their health and better alternatives on offer.

"Calling it a 'worker shortage' makes it seem like there are a lot of people too lazy to work," said Andrew Deibert, chief organizer for United Labor Unions in Louisiana.

"I think it should be framed as an 'ethical-employer shortage,' a shortage of companies willing to pay workers livable wages, provide decent benefits, and improve working conditions," he said. "Companies willing to do this don't seem to be having trouble finding workers."

Despite all the bizzaro world propaganda suggesting the opposite, the bosses have won a more precarious and desperate workforce in the pandemic.  The "worker shortage" manufactured crisis is just about locking it down.


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