Monday, November 09, 2015

Jim Garrison lives

The Bourbon Street crackdown is getting serious.
Owners of four French Quarter strip clubs cited for prostitution and drug activity have fired everyone named in the Louisiana Office of Alcohol Tobacco and Control's investigation and proposed measures to stay open, the owners' attorney said Monday.

They made the proposal as they also announced that they permanently closed one of their clubs, Centerfolds, the day state officials suspended the club's alcohol license Oct. 27. That made the club the first permanent casualty of what the state has called a crackdown on prostitution and drug sales at clubs and bars on Bourbon Street and other parts of the French Quarter.    
I don't know what's going to happen eventually. But it's worth paying attention to the names involved as we go along. 
Centerfolds, Lipstixx, Scores (also known as the Mansion on Bourbon) and Temptations are all owned by the same family network, their lawyer Carolyn Gill-Jefferson said at an administrative hearing at ATC's New Orleans offices. ATC suspended the alcohol licenses of the first three strip clubs Oct. 27, and issued Temptations a notice of its violations the same day. 
Story doesn't really elaborate on the "family network." But there's a Gill-Jefferson representing them.  In a previous story we noticed Julie Quinn "represents several clubs" as well, although we are not informed which. Here is some background on her "family network." It touches on the French Quarter leisure business as well.

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