Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Dear Piyush

I was thinking maybe Bobby/Piyush would get some faux outrage mileage out on this. But he decided instead to say something stupid about Planned Parenthood.
Clinton’s campaign went full formal in addressing the gifts, listing recipients by their legal names, rather than names they commonly go by. A list the campaign distributed named “Piyush Jindal” in place of Bobby [as well as other formal names, including “Rafael E. Cruz” and “John E. Bush” — more commonly known as Ted and Jeb].

Jindal’s legal name is Piyush, though he has gone by “Bobby” since his youth. As the story goes, Jindal renamed himself as a child in honor of the youngest son on the sitcom The Brady Bunch.

Jindal was quick to respond to Clinton’s book offer, saying he would read her book if she watched the series of controversial undercover Planned Parenthood sting videos.
Dumb all around, really.  Can't wait to see if Bobby sends her a copy of his book. Will probably pointedly address it to "Mrs. William J. Clinton" or some dumb such. 

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