Friday, January 15, 2010


Spike Lee is working on a sequel to 2006's When the Levees Broke
Lee has said for years that he intended to follow-up on the original by perhaps expanding its scope to Katrina’s impact on the entire Gulf Coast.

"Returning to New Orleans five years after Hurricane Katrina, the new film will revisit some of the people who appeared in 'When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts' to find out what has happened to their lives since then," says a news release on HBO's press website. "The documentary will look at the progress and failures in education, housing and population relocation, and spotlight New Orleans's indomitable spirit. Going beyond the boundaries of the city, the film will also visit the devastated Gulf Coast area."
I remember watching Lee's original film on the first anniversary of the Federal Flood. Viewing the film, I thought, was a factually and emotionally pitch-perfect way to meditate on the day's significance. Here's what I wrote about it at the time. I am very much looking forward to seeing the follow-up.

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