Wednesday, March 28, 2007

And now for something completely..

Dorky! But in a good way.

Covers for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows revealed

After spending a great deal of time snickering and generally being a prick about it, I finally started reading the Potter books in 2005. Here's my mea culpa when I realized they were actually pretty good.

For the past few days, the greatest obstacle to my beauty rest has been the fact that I have finally caved under the pressure (largely from Daisy) and actually taken up reading Harry Potter. It's taken me a while to get to these because 1) I'm not particularly big on fantasy/sci-fi and 2) I have a natural aversion to popular trends. It turns out that, as in most things, my instincts have steered me very very wrong. Just in case anyone needs to be told, the Harry Potter series (at least the bits I've read) turn out to be every bit the excellent children's/YA coming-of-age books they're advertised as. The characters here are growing up and coming to terms with a bewildering, imperfect, yet beautiful world. They seem to grow the most by learning not to blindly trust arbitrary convention or authority. There are few better things for a child to take away from a book than the value of thinking for one's self. Plus, I can't put the damn book down.... hence the lack of sleep.

So now I'm predictably just as excited as all the other geeks out there to see this artwork. Yeah... screw you too.

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