Sunday, September 11, 2005

Ultra confusing meta meta post with quotes of other posts included and such for the purposes of posting a comment

Good to see that Yat Pundit is safe and posting again. But it looks like his comments are not functioning. I found this out while trying to respond to this post this morning. Here is the text of his post.
Please, press, both local and national, do your job following the saga of the reconstruction of New Orleans. There are going to be land grabs and corruption and bribery and efforts by the NO elite to keep the poor from returning.

Please, follow the story. You'll be the only watchdog for this.

[via Eschaton]

Atrios needs to focus on national and/or Philly politics, because that way he's not talking out of his ass. The Mayor and a majority of the City Council are black, and we're a tourism/service economy. The minimum wage jobs will always be with us, so long as we have as many hotels, restaurants, etc. That means not only will we always have poor folks in New Orleans, but the "NO elite" will encourage their return.
So, YP, if you're reading, here is what I wanted to say.
That's not what this story would appear to suggest. Or... it suggests that if the "city fathers" have their way, a minimum wage labor pool will return but not necessarily made up of the same folks who left and they will likely return to suburban ghettos instead of their traditional neighborhoods.
I had a bit more on this on Friday.

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