
Tuesday, September 03, 2013


I'll probably be sharing a bunch of links from over the weekend today. I took the holiday seriously this time around and am just getting caught up.

Anyway here's Stephanie Grace on Jindal's move to politicize an intentionally de-politicized flood control authority. Grace points out this is just a regular feature of the way Jindal does business.
If the governor does move to replace Barry and Doody with nominees who don’t support the suit, it would fit what’s become something of an administration m.o. As Jindal watchers have been noting for some time now, he’s really not a big fan of the whole independence thing.

We’ve seen this at LSU, where Jindal-backed board members have purged a number of high-profile skeptics of policies such as the privatization of the old Charity Hospital system. We’ve seen it in the Legislature, where wayward lawmakers have been known to lose desirable committee appointments.

We’re even starting to see it outside of government, at the hugely influential Louisiana Association of Business and Industry.
I'm getting pretty old now but I can remember when Bobby Jindal was running to save Louisiana from this "politics of the past" stuff. 

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